Content Blockchain Platform Novii Continues Rapid Acceleration of Growth in Market Visibility as Product Launches Soon

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The launch of the Novii Platform into the blockchain community has been met with significant visibility in the market, both domestically and internationally. As the product enters the market space, the beta launch of the Beleaf mobile application continues to empirically validate the viability of the platforms’ market value.

“Our launch has proven two of our major OKRs,” says David Cheng, Founder and CEO. “Number one – that a content blockchain platform is versatile enough to encompass the needs of a diverse range of industries, and number two, that blockchain content is not relegated only to those industries who are censored by traditional publishing platforms.”

The versatility of the platform is also a component of solving for the needs of a massive market base – all small businesses and sole proprietors who depend on the opportunity to equally advertise and convert consumers. The Novii Platform allows businesses of all sizes to equally access consumers via validated content queries, which are then incentivized to interact on the platform with brands.

The brands goal of creating technology solutions designed to connect, empower, and incentivize consumers through open content is leading to the further funding opportunities across the globe.

“Novii for us is a means to level the playing field in this age of information,” says Tommy Ngo, Chief Product Officer. “Businesses of all sizes benefit and gain from Novii by providing quality content, not by buying their way into power.”

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