BU Cash Contains Both Bitcoin ABC and SV Rulesets Available for Configuration

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The Bitcoin Cash community has been discussing the upcoming hard fork a great deal over the past few days. There’s been a whole lot to follow as developers and business executives have been stating their opinions, while BCH infrastructure providers continue to reveal their contingency plans. News.Bitcoin.com previously reported on the BU development team publishing code, which added the Bitcoin ABC ruleset changes for Nov. 15. At the time, BU developers said the SV ruleset would be added at a later date and the BU team hoped miners would vote on changes using the BIP135 bits standard incorporated into the BU client. Now BU has released Bitcoin Cash edition, which includes the Bitcoin SV upgrade changes.

“[Bitcoin Cash edition] will implement a set of consensus changes proposed by an alternative implementation, Bitcoin SV. Such a set of features are disabled by default, the default policy is to activate the set of changes as defined by the Bitcoincash.org specification,” explained the BU development team.

Essentially this means miners can configure their clients to ABC or SV nodes and vote on features from the rulesets they prefer. As the BU team further emphasized, “the SV and ABC forks are enabled. You must choose one.”

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