AT&T Introduces Blockchain Solutions For Business

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AT&T has introduced a suite of blockchain solutions to allow enterprises in various industries to track and manage information more efficiently, the telecom giant announced on its website. The solutions include technology from Microsoft and IBM and can benefit users in industries ranging from manufacturing to retail and healthcare.

The company noted it is combining its “edge to edge” capabilities with distributed ledger technology (DLT). AT&T’s Internet of Things (IoT) solutions provide monitoring and automation capabilities to various business processes.

For manufacturing companies, AT&T’s blockchain solutions can track the movement of goods through factories and monitor product quality from its creation to its delivery to the end user.

For retailers, the firm’s DLT services can ensure product authenticity by tracking its movement from order to delivery, as well as by reducing waste and unneeded stock.

For healthcare organizations, AT&T’s new products can support secure sharing of up-to-date patient records and directories

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