International Blockchain Conference in Astana

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Kazakhstan, Astana, June 7, 2018-the international conference “Blockchain regulation: opportunities and risks” has launched in Astana. The conference is attended by experts and senior representatives of ministries and various state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, large national companies, research institutes, universities, foreign and local IT, Telecom, energy, consulting companies, etc. The Organizer of the event is Blockchain and Crypto Technologies Association of Kazakhstan.

Deputy Prime Minister Askar Zhumagaliyev – a key figure in the field of digitalization of Kazakhstan opened the Conference. During the plenary session, Askar Zhumagaliyev noted the importance of the use of new technologies in Kazakhstan and outlined the necessary conditions for their development.

The “Digital Kazakhstan” programme focuses on the development of new technologies such as additive technologies, artificial intelligence, Internet things, blockchain etc. «The use of blockchain technologies allows to exclude intermediaries and barriers in transactions and operations», – the Deputy Prime Minister said in his speech.

He also added that today Kazakhstan implements projects based on blockchain technologies in various fields. The placement of short-term notes for the population of Kazakhstan by the National Bank may serve as an example, the Ministry of agriculture also uses the blockchain in the circulation of electronic grain receipts. Furthermore, projects based on blockchain technologies are implemented by the Ministry of Finance, JSC “Kazpost”, NAO «Government for citizens».

However, the Deputy Prime Minister stressed that the legislative framework and the relevant infrastructure are necessary for further development. Thereby, he drew the attention of the Ministry of Information and Communication of Kazakhstan and JSC “National Info Communication Holding “Zerde” to the need to accelerate the solution of these issues.

Alan Dordjiyev spoke on behalf of the Blockchain and Crypto Technologies Association of Kazakhstan. He noted that the interaction between the state and the professional community, as well as subject-metter associations, is one of the most important and fundamental mechanisms for achieving the goals set for the country.

The main purpose of this conference is to collect and process the best international experience in this area. «As the organizers of this event, we have tried to provide all possible tools to study this experience in close cooperation with the state and on its basis to create the necessary legal documents, taking into account the interests of the National Bank, large foreign companies and other stakeholders» – Alan Dordjiev said during the plenary session

The conference brings together Leading global companies, financial institutions and regulators such as IBM, Hyperledger, KPMG, Infosys, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, AIFC. The conference will last until June 8 and will cover such topics as the use of blockchain technologies in various spheres of economy, education, public services and production. Speakers will present their appliance experience of blockchain technologies, as well as regulatory experience in various countries of the world.

The most important part of the second day will be the presentation of the AIFC (Astana International Finance Centre) legislation in the field of virtual assets regulation, as well as an open discussion of the Advisory document of the AIFC Committee on financial services regulation on the regulation of virtual currencies and extended private placement regimes.

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